Saturday, January 3, 2009


Horoscope. You can see horoscope on TV, magazine, newspaper, internet and all kinds of sources. However, do you believe in it? or should I ask how much do you believe it? I got friends who surely turn to that particular page when she hold a newspaper or magazine...and surf web pages about it when comes online. a SHE but I not going to tell who is she. hehe. I personally think it got no accuracy at all so we shouldn't believe it. Why do I said so? What making me said this?

1) We believe in almost anything and everything when it talks something good about us. When we realise it's something bad, we tend to give ourselves thousand or even million of excuses in a blink of eyes.

2) There are 12 horoscope sign. 365 days in a year. Over 6 billion people in this world. Millions of people fall under the same horoscope. How could advices or what so ever be accurate and can apply on millions of people at the same time. Maybe I should say it's ACCURATE as it will at least HIT a few of the lucky fellow.

One of my friend which was my classmate back then in primary school days asking me something " did you know cancerians are soft spoken, emo and cool at the same time?" I was wondering how could someone knew something so well about me. Later he told me that he is a cancerian as well. I realise we've been stereotype for the natural traits that cancerian got =).

I started to think and found that most of my friends who are also cancerian do share the same characteristics. That's why I hope people out there know that we are not being proud or LC when we are silent. We were born with the characteristic being part of us, in our blood and veins, each of it build us.

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